الأربعاء، 26 أكتوبر 2022

Eagle International Academy- Online Private International School


Eagle International Academy- Online Private International School

Eagle International Academy- Online Private International School


Welcome to Eagle International Academy. We are a 1-12 school with 100% of our curriculum online, even though we do partner with physical schools around the world. By having our curriculum 100% online, our students can be anywhere there is Internet access.

Eagle International Academy is registered in Florida, USA and follows the American Common Core State Standards, the Next Generation Science Standards and the National Curriculum Standards for Social Studies. It is imperative to us that we set and exceed the highest educational standards in the world and ensure standards are met by having regular teacher training sessions.

In addition to our regular curriculum, we have on-going exam preparation courses for students wanting to take the SAT and ACT exams. Throughout a student’s studies with Eagle International Academy, they can also participate in a STEAM integration program that has regular projects with cross-curricular aspects and implications. Our high school students also have the opportunity to take Advanced Placement courses so they can get a jump on their university studies. At Eagle, we soar above the others and will never let our students fall.

Dr. Robert Sawyer. Academic Director of Eagle International Academy, from New York - USA, has a B.Ed. in general education, an M.A. in TESOL and a Doctorate’s (Ed.D.) in Education – Curriculum and Assessment Design. In addition, he has been certified by Harvard University in School Leadership and Management.

Dr. Sawyer participated in the educational experiences of students around the world, from the U.S.A., Europe, the Middle East, Central and East Asia. He has written multiple textbooks and several teacher’s manuals for primary and secondary schools and universities.


School Fees:


Starting from : 1280 Dollar per year, and Ending with : 2500 Dollar per year.


Our Teachers:


1.    Minimum BA/BS/BSc in the subject they are applying to teach.

2.    At least 1 year experience teaching the subject and grade you are applying for.

3.    Our Teacher from all over the world, you can apply today.



 System of Education:


We use GMT to determine online classroom hours. Our online classes run from 7:00 a.m. – 7:00 p.m. GMT.

#مدرسة_إيجل_الدولية_ الشرق_الأوسط و #شمال_أفريقيا، تقوم بالتدريس عن بعد لجميع الطلاب و لجميع الصفوف من الأول الى الثاني عشر
بأقساط تبدأ من 1280 دولار حتى 2500 دولار فقط بالسنة، و الدراسة بمنهاج ماكجروهيل العالمي
للمهتم بعث واتساب الى : 

Eagle International Academy- #Middle_East & #North_Africa

#Eagle_International_Academy is registered in Florida, USA and follows the American Common Core State Standards, #McGraw_Hill_Curriculum



#Register_Now_With_Us : 00962-79-73-990-64

Or E-mail us at : wafahourani7@gmail.com

no wakes early

No school Busses fees

Why Enroll With Eagle International Academy??

Study any where, any time

That is Why you should Enroll With Eagle International Academy


Eagle International Academy- Middle East- International School From 1st Grade to 12 Grade, Study anywhere, anytime, with McGraw Hill Curriculum.

#American Education System from #USA #Mcgraw_Hill_Curriculum.


#Eagle_International School © #New_York and Everywhere! Core Subjects: English, Science, Math, Social Studies منهاج McGraw Hill #Online_education system and #interactive_system, by registering with us by contacting us at : 00962797399064

#American Education System from #USA #Mcgraw_Hill_Curriculum. AP / SAT © #New_York and Everywhere! معتمدة شهاداتها عالمياً أقساط تبدأ من : 1280 دولار و تنتهي ب : 2500دولار بالسنة: واتساب = :00962797399064 Core Subjects : English, Science, Math, Social Studies McGraw Hill #Online_education system and #interactive_system, by registering with us by contacting us at : 00962797399064 او واتساب على نفس الرقم أعلاه Core Subjects: English, Science, Math, Social Studies Additional or Elective Subjects: Arabic, Religion, Computer, Health , الدراسة بالنظام الدولي اصبح اسهل الآن معنا و أصبحت رسومها بمتناول يد الجميع ،،،، فأهلا بكم













الثلاثاء، 25 أكتوبر 2022

دورة لغة الجسد- كيف تبرز قوة شخصيتك عن طريق لغة الجسد-مجانا

كيف تبرز #قوة_شخصيتك عن طريق لغة الجسد

المزايا التي ستجنيها:

سبع إشارات خاصة بلغة الجسد إليك ان تنتبه لها

أسباب أهمية فهم اللغة غير الشفهية

كيف تظهر كشخصية قوية تعطي الأوامر؟

كيف تستخدم أسلوب إبداء التأثر بالآخرين لإبراز القوة؟

كيف تبسط سيطرتك عن طريق إقامة مكان العمل الخاص بك

كيف تستخدم حالة الإسترخاء لصالحك؟

وسيلة التحديق في وجه الشخص حتى يذعن لأموارك

كيف يمكن للغة الجسد أن تكشف عن الأفكار الداخلية

كيف يمكنك وقف مشكلة دون أن تنبس بكلمة واحدة

كيف تبرز قوتك عبر الهاتف

كلمتان عليك أن تحذفهما من قاموسك

كيف تترجم لغة الجسد الى أنشطه اجتماعية

6 إشارات قيمه خاصة بلغة الجسد يمكنك استخدامها لتعريف الآخرين بقوتك

#دورة_لغة_الجسد كيف تبرز #قوة_شخصيتك عن طريق لغة الجسد

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مشاركة مميزة

Eagle International Academy- Online Private International School

  Eagle International Academy- Online Private International School Welcome! Welcome to Eagle International Academy. We are a 1-12 school wit...