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‏إظهار الرسائل ذات التسميات فن الفنغ شوي. إظهار كافة الرسائل

الجمعة، 21 فبراير 2020

The basics of Feng Shui: a style that brings life to your home – Feng Shui Shop Get

The basics of Feng Shui: a style that brings life to your home

Your home decoration is your sanctuary, as many of us are the first to think after a long work day to enjoy the comfort that he only finds in his home. And if you've never applied feng shui techniques, most of your home may not have been well utilized to provide you with that comfort.
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This ancient art of space distribution is useful for enhancing your health and happiness in your home. Sometimes it takes very simple changes to create an atmosphere of energy that you like to inhabit throughout your home.
These are simple ideas that can help you start introducing feng shui art into your home.


The history of Feng Shui philosophy dates back to ancient China, so the Chinese phrase (Feng Shui) translates to (water and air), and as the Mind Body Green website explains: “Without air and water we perish, and when the two are available in a smooth and balanced way, nature becomes in harmony ” Feng Shui uses several elements to create a balance in the energy of the place, and when you use these elements well, you will improve sleep and make the residents of the home feel safe.
The combination of these elements in the room gives the person in it a more sense of harmony with nature and makes him more aware of himself. Feng Shui has different uses and types, but they are combined by the same ideas:
- Traditional Feng Shui: It is the oldest type of Feng Shui, and takes into account compass directions and natural elements to determine the possibility of forming the best harmony relationship for your environment.
Black Hat: is a western application of traditional Feng Shui, and it focuses on incorporating the "nine energies" that exist in every room.
Modern Feng Shui: is known as intuitive Feng Shui. This type relies on the use of colors and your personal intuition to create the best space for you.
Whatever type you choose, you will see benefits for your health, such as your sleep discipline and your stress level as you rearrange the space for more positive energy.

The cost of feng shui

Have you ever felt that Feng Shui would benefit your home? So it must be time to rearrange the house for better energy. But you may need help from a person trained in Feng Shui style, because it may be complicated unless you learn it, and it will be difficult for you to implement it alone without guidance, as the average cost of seeking help from a Feng Shui consultant is about $ 874, while the majority of homeowners pay between 799 $ To $ 632.
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Basics of Feng Shui

Whatever type you choose, there is a bunch of different features for it, and consider that feng shui can be very complex.
Here are the basics of feng shui that you should keep in mind as you rearrange your home:
Organize and arrange your home
One of the first steps in creating renewable energy at home is to get rid of chaos. We mean not only throwing rubbish, but also removing things that block energy from your home. Piles of leaves and messy clothes scattered all create negative energy and must be dealt with either by organizing or removing them.
Determine the primary goal
As you rearrange the room, put towards your eyes the primary goal of using it, and keep things that represent this purpose in the room, thereby reducing the tension in the place.
- Add all five elements
When you use Feng Shui style to design your room, you will need to add all five elements. Each room of the house will contain something that represents these five elements, namely:
o Earth
- Discover your item based on your birthday
While combining all five elements is important, your birthdate may play a major role in determining which one affects your energy most. You can use this graph to find your special element related to your birthday: KnowFengShui.
Allow natural light to infiltrate the room
The principles of Feng Shui are all based on contact with nature, so naturally, undoubted light plays a major role in creating positive energies at home. Open the windows of the house and choose any lighting that suits you and provides good lighting for the home.

The colors of feng shui
It may seem easy to choose a new color to paint your room, but you must consider how it will affect your use of Feng Shui style, as the color of the room can affect your efforts to create positive energy for the place. After determining the purpose of using the room, you can determine the appropriate color immediately. Also consider the colors that represent the five different elements:
Wood is represented by greenish brown tones.
The element of fire is represented in red and some yellow tones.
- It represents the metal element in white, gray and metallic colors.
The water element is represented in blue and black tones.
The earth element is represented by orange, beige, and some shades of yellow.

When choosing your new room color, make sure it's in harmony with the other elements in the room, and remember that all elements must blend in together.
Feng Shui bedroom
One of the rooms in the house that you need to apply the Feng Shui style is the bedroom, because it is your private space in which to relax and sleep. If all the elements do not fit well in your bedroom, this will cause many problems for you. The best thing you can do to change room power is to change the location of your bed. The ideal position for your bed is diagonally from the door and away from the window. Finally, you definitely love to have your mobile next to you at night, but the Feng Shui style rules advise you to put your bed away from the wall with electrical outlets.
Feng Shui living room
The living room is the second important room that Feng Shui rules can be applied to, it is an area where family members congregate, and it is important to make sure that the energy of the place is suitable for everyone. The most important thing to look at is sunlight, which is the key to energy, so open the curtains, leaving the sunlight to infiltrate and spread throughout the house, and don't forget to add an element of water as well, such as a fish tank, so it is said that its presence fills the room with positive energy

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